Three rules of a gunfight
1- Don’t get shot. The first thing you learn in force on force airsoft training is that ‘Stand and Deliver’ gets you shot. You can put 3 rounds into a mans heart, and yes, he will be dead in 10 seconds, but in that 10 seconds of blood left in his brain, he can still shoot and kill you. So, the first rule is Don’t Get Shot. This means move!
2-Don’t get your friends shot. This means when you move, you want to move away from your companions so as not to draw opposing fire towards them, and if it’s your children, this becomes Rule #1.
3- Shoot first. Statistically speaking, the first person to get a hit on their opponent wins the gunfight. Force on force testing shows that shooters with Green light sights, will often get 2 shots off before their iron sights opponents even make their first shot. If one of those first two shots incapacitates your opponent, you may never get shot at all.