Green Light Sights are simple to install, Simply remove the rear plate from your striker fired handgun and replace it with our sights. The sights themselves are made from anodized aluminum with a recessed lenticular optic. The optic is designed to turn green when the vertical alignment of the handgun is within 5 degrees of true. This angle was chosen because at 10′, the average distance of a gunfight, a 5 degree arc will place a shot aimed at center mass, within 9″ of the point of aim. Since the average thoracic cavity of an adult male is 9″, this means effective hits to the heart, lungs or spine. The optic is waterproof and rugged and comes with a lifetime warranty. Green Light Sights do not replace traditional top mounted iron or red dot sights, they co-witness with them. It is up to the operator to decide whether the situation calls for speed (our sights) or high accuracy (top mounted sights). We suggest the first few shots be taken with Green Light Sights, then transition to top mounted sights if the operator is able to move to cover or must engage in a ‘hostage rescue’ shot requiring higher accuracy.